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Is it good to use a fish?

Author: Time:2021-09-2950 second

Information summary:  Is it good to use a fish?The predecessor would like to ask the dragon fish with the Dragon Temple (watching four sides) or the Yulong Temple (one side ornamen...., african arowana fish, base blue, Update my RTG and Xb comm after wc.Is it good to use a fish?

  Is it good to use a fish?The predecessor would like to ask the dragon fish with the Dragon Temple (watching four sides) or the Yulong Temple (one side ornamental)?

  = (Xianglong Agricultural Group Fish Friends Review) =



   Look at personal preferences
Fish friend aaronl9s9


   Generally, is it like?
Fish friends ancient wolves


   One side, the wall is basically positive looking fish
Fish friend aaronl9s9


   Okay thank you
Fish friends


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