Ask you, the upper and lower water pipes of the fish tank (taken from top of the fish tank) This part is easy to accumulate fish, fish food residue, etc., how to clean it?Now use the oxygen pump to put it in the end to the bottom, the effect is not good.======== How to comment on Xianglong Aquarium League fish friends =====
Wang Yuyou said: to learn.
YYF squid friend said: use a brush or brush cleaning with a precipitated warehouse or brush
Sky19791111 fish friends said: brush cleaning using a brush or brush in a precipitated warehouse
Qiu Lingyor said: very simple, use iron bucket a few times
Guan Hiyou said: Learn
壹 壹 鱼 友 说: The brush has a long time, take the time to go to a treasure.
壹 壹鱼 友 说: Thank you, this is too difficult to me.
Sky19791111 fish friends said: brush cleaning using a brush or brush in a precipitated warehouse
It turned out that I like to toss the fish friends say: This is a triangular overflow area, it is easy to accumulate dirt, you can try a long brush.
壹 壹 鱼 友 说: Oh, thank you, my only a few monthsWhat to do if Arowana eats only barley worms,Arowana does not eat barley worm)Red arowana breeding method$Is Arowana good for barley worms or bread worms?/Arowana only eats barley worms and nothing else?Red Arowana Video$Is Arowana a carp?%Which oil is better, carp and arowana?^Arowana feeds barley worms for a long time*Rapeseed oil carp brand is better than arowana& Fromager Fish,Ask: How to clean this place in the fish tank?。