Chai Nat Sharing TY RED vs Chilli Red side by side
Sharing TY RED vs Chilli Red side by side
Decide to move the small TY Red and my chilli red to show bro the comparison.Left is TY RED, RIGHT is Chilli Red. View under white T5 light
BrO TY red as in tongyan red?
>TY Red means Parents Male is Red and Female is Gold. Few sample for me to look around for the TY Red. Got 2 pieces, one up lorry.... slowly play play see how it look like when grow big. Now think only 6-7 inches.
>Yes. Tong yan.
>Originally Posted by MaxXing TY Red means Parents Male is Red and Female is Gold. Few sample for me to look around for the TY Red. Got 2 pieces, one up lorry.... slowly play play see how it look like when grow big. Now think only 6-7 inches. Bro, you bought from which farm?care to share we What you considered "up the lorry", and what has potential?
>i think OTF ba
>Originally Posted by arowanarock88 Bro, you bought from which farm?care to share we What you considered "up the lorry", and what has potential? up lorry = dead
>Beautiful piece bro
>Originally Posted by arowanarock88 Bro, you bought from which farm?care to share we What you considered "up the lorry", and what has potential? Mine from OTF. Near my house.
>Same otf too. I bought 2 Kapit Aquarium,
exotic food